Plato is an internet-based tutorial program. Students in my classes are using it to review old and learn new math. Students took a pre-test which allowed them to skip units they already understand. Each student gets a "prescription" of tutorial lessons recommended for them based on the pre-test. Each unit contains tutorial lessons, practice sessions, and a mastery test for the material. Each completed unit earns the student extra credit.
Q: What is the website for PLATO?
A: It's also in the link list to the right.
Q: How do I log on?
A: The account login is "fnsbsd" for the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District.
Your PLATO name is your "s number" and your password is the same number without the "s".
Q: Where are my tutorials?
A: Click the "assignments" button on the top left. Then "open" your "Prescriptions" for math.
Q: How do I get my extra credit?
A: Once you pass the mastery test, print the "congratulations" screen and turn it in. I will check your account and give you the credit.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me.